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Lynn Boutté is a Colorado Springs based photographer that specializes in capturing the soul of people, places and animals on this beautiful planet of ours.

Hi there!


I'm Lynn Boutté

Your photographer for Boutte's Lifestyle Portraits.

I have been capturing portraits for over 32 years (lets stop counting now). I love photographing people in their environment which brings out the essence of their soul in a two dimensional form. You don't need an excuse to have a portrait done, only to capture a moment in time. Speaking of excuses... one of the most common excuses I hear from women is I can't have a portrait done until I loose 10 pounds. Sometimes they never have a portrait done. My response now is why not have it done before you gain 10 pounds?

I've heard it said that "people regret the most, the portraits they never had taken".


My other passions are teaching others the knowledge I have learned over the past years as a professional photographer and capturing our wonderful planet as it was created for us to enjoy



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